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Olympus High School Class of 1967 - Polls
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WOMEN- Who would you choose to play you in the movie of your life?

24% (4 votes)
Goldie Hawn

18% (3 votes)
Meryl Streep

12% (2 votes)
Sandra Bullock

12% (2 votes)
Helen Mirren

12% (2 votes)
Dame Judi Dench

12% (2 votes)
Diane Keaton

6% (1 votes)
Meg Ryan

6% (1 votes)
Glen Close

0% (0 votes)
Angelina Jolie

0% (0 votes)
Susan Sarandon

0% (0 votes)

(Ends: Never)

MEN - Who would you chose to play you in your movie?

Brad Pitt
George Clooney
Nicolas Cage
Colin Firth
Kevin Bacon
Sean Penn
Robert De Niro
Jack Nicholson
Tom Hanks
Dustin Hoffman
Steve McQueen
Robin Williams

What is the title of the movie of your life

'Singin' in The Rain'
'The Good, the Bad an the Ugly'
'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'
'Forrest Gump'
'It's a Wonderful Life'
'The Sound of Music'
Paths of Glory
Life is Beautiful
Groundhog Day
Into the Wild

WOMEN- Who would play your leading man?

George Clooney
Brad Pitt
Colin Firth
Tom Hanks
Alec Baldwin
Pierce Brosnan
Robert Redford
Johnny Depp
Paul Newman
Matt Damon
Carey Grant

MEN - Who would play your leading lady?

Audrey Hepburn
Meryl Streep
Julianne Moore
Susan Sarandon
Gwyneth Paltrow
Angelina Jolie
Penelope Cruz
Diane Keaton
Meg Ryan

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